Transaction #1
- Carefree Pantiliners / 13.78 / 9.00 /accumulating
- Neosporin / 5.49 /5.49 / accumulating
- Neo To Go / 6.49 / 5.50 / accumulating
- $4/$20 coupon -4.00
- $2.00 ECB -2.00
- $5.00 ECB -5.00
TOTAL / 25.76 / 9.62
Transaction #2
Item / Regular Price / Sale Price / ECBs
- J&J Bedtime Cream / 4.29 / 3.99 / 10 (combined with T#1 purchases)
TOTAL / 4.29 / 3.99 / 10
Transaction #3
Item / Regular Price / Sale Price / ECBs
- Starburst / 0.79 / 0.50 / accumulating
- Hershey's Nuggets / 3.49 / 2.50 / accumulating
- Kitkat 4 pack / 1.29 / 1.00 / accumulating
- Trident 3 pack / 2.79 / 2.00 / accumulating
- M&M Premium / 4.99 / 4.00 / 5
- Old Spice Deodorant / 3.99 / 2.99 / 0
- $10 ECB -10.00
TOTAL / 17.34 / 2.99 /5
Transaction #4
Item / Regular Price / Sale Price / ECBs
- Scott Towels 8 pack / 9.99 / 4.99 / 0
- Bandaids / 3.29 / 2.99 / 2
- $5 ECB -5.00
TOTAL / 13.28 / 2.98 / 2
GRAND TOTALS Regular Price Sale Price ECBs
TOTAL / 60.67 / 19.58 / 2
That seems like a pretty good deal to me. I stuck to buying only items that we'll actually use. I also got another $4/$20 coupon, which I will use next week. I definitely wasn't very smooth, but as I said, the cashier was very patient and nice. Even adding this to the rest of my grocery spending (for this two-week period) leaves me with $35 for items that come up, saving for future meat purchases, and next week's CVS-ing!