Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friday Finals (a few days late)

Wow - it's been busy around here lately!  We started a bathroom remodel (yay!) and the girls have gotten colds (boo).  I have been learning much from a great couponing site, and I've tallied last week's spending and saving.

Spent: $7.25
Total value: $7.97
Saved: $0.72
% saved: 9%

Kroger (2 trips)
Spent: $52.20
Total value: $11.25
Saved: $59.05
% saved: 53%
(I have a $4.99 MIR coming from All-Bran)

Spent: $28.04 
Total value: $80.30
Saved: $52.26
% saved: 65%
(I have a $10 gift card coming thanks to General Mills and Publix)

Spent: $7.54
Total value: $32.54
Saved: $25
% saved: 77%
(I have a $6.99 MIR coming from Organix Shampoo, and I got $6 ECBs)

Spent: $95.03 ($67.05 after $ back)
Total value: $232.06
Saved: $137.03 ($165.01 after $ back)
% saved: 59% (71% after $ back)

I also got some chicken at Reid's big sale.  It worked out to about $0.35/lb for leg quarters, so I got 10 pounds.  A friend of mine got 80 pounds!  That seemed like a bit more than I could handle!

All in all, it was a good week.  I went a little over budget, but I stocked up big time on shampoo, toilet paper, chicken, and snack foods.  I think my list for next week will be a bit smaller.

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